Friday, October 13, 2006

A Blog Long Overdue, Born of Spam

The fake records site got a lot of traffic. Unfortunately, a lot of it was people posting ads for viagra on the message board. The spam had the same effect on my erectile prowess that GW Bush does. Plus, as one of my many pro-boner cases, I never had time for flushing the crap out of the board over there. So, as I threatened many times before, Fake Records now has a blog.

I took one of the basic templates here at blogger and changed it around a little, using art from the web site in the header. If you'd like to design a better one, make it a 700 pixel wide by 123 pixel high, 256 color gif file and email it to me, with the subject line as FAKE PUBLIC RECORDS BLOG HEADER GIF. Save it as header-02.gif.

Same goes for any of you Fake Record alumni who haven't been invited to be bloggers here yet. If you want to contribute posts to this blog, just let me know, and we'll sign you to an extensive fake contract.

As for all you viagra pitchers, forget it. Our comments are moderated now, and your automated hard-on peddling software won't work here. Ha.

If anyone's interested in having a blog for your small business, check out my small business web site where you'll discover that I make small business websites show up high on the search engines. One of the many tools we use to do that is, of course, blogs.

On happier notes, an over-due happy Birthday to Jeremy. Oh, and everyone be sure to vote.


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